A text ad is a form of marketing communication that advertisers can use to promote their product or service on the AdsFirm Network.
Compelling, targeted text ads are crucial to a high-performance ads campaign. They're often the first contact that a potential customer has with your site. Whether or not they click on your ad and get to your website depends on how powerful your message is and how relevant it is to what they want.
Since the text ad is so often the "first touch,"it's crucial that you get them right. Creating well-written AdsFirm ADs ads offers some very obvious benefits:
Text Ad consists of a headline, a display URL, and two lines of description. Each line of the ad has a limited character count; there's an art to writing an eye-catching, compelling message.
While lacking some of the advantages of graphical ads, text-based ads have some powerful advantages of their own. They download almost instantly and are not affected by ad blocking software.